We would like to celebrate with the rest of the world the international photobook day. 2013 marks the 170th anniversary of the first known published photobook: Photographs of British algae. Cyanotype impressions, by Anna Atkins.
The exact date of publication remains unknown, but the acquisition date of the copy in the British Library records appears as October 14th, 1843.
We’d love everyone to join this celebration and turn this date into a global event by organizing an action related to photobooks, each in their own place of residence.
There is not much time to organize large activities, so, as usual in PhotoBook Club Madrid, we are going to organize something accessible to anyone who wants to participate.
We propose –as a global activity to develop through facebook, twitter, instagram, etc.– to share a picture of a photobook using the hashtag #PhotoBookDay. Feel free to organize other activities for that day. Let us know and we will share them.